A worried man has cried out for help and advice from readers over his wife's irresponsibility and infid-elity each time she's drunk.
Dear Readers,

I am in a very tight position now and I need serious help. My name is Derrick, I spent December 25 on my own while she crashed out in a hotel with a couple of Dutch truckers. When she did eventually stagger back she had love bites all over her neck and had lost her handbag.
I then spent hours cancelling her credit cards and sorting out her phone. People are always telling me to leave her. Even her own parents stopped speaking to her last May after she humiliated me by snogging another man at a family party. She and I have been together for nearly five years and I don’t know why I continue to put up with her dreadful behaviour and her regular cheating.
She’s someone who has to be adored all the time and there’s a drama wherever she goes. If she’s not turning heads and being the centre of attention, then she doesn’t feel alive. I’ve even had male friends beg me to “have a word with her” because she keeps propositioning them and touching them up.
Why have I always stayed with her? Because I love her. Well I thought I did. Just recently I had an accident at work. I slipped on some oil and fell down a flight of stairs. Luckily I didn’t break anything – I just had severe bruising – but she couldn’t have been less sympathetic.
At one point she actually pushed me off the sofa because she said I was being boring. Eventually my parents came round and took me to their flat for a few days to help me rest and recuperate. Now I’m feeling better and looking at my girl in a very different way. What can I say to her to make her change her ways?
Anonymous worried man


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