Looking for a way to spice up your bedroom with your woman? Then read on as you will be find all the answers on the tips and tricks to make your bedroom a place of unending fantasy.
I definitely agree with Dr. Emily Morse in this explosive piece detailing all the things a man should know about s*xand the woman's body before making a move. Before you meet your woman, you must do your assignment perfectly well in order to make your woman yearn for you more. Learn all you need here as Morse gives you a special treat.

4. The Brain Is The Largest S*x Organ
If you really want to please a woman, you’ve got to move from top to bottom. While your genitals are pretty much running the show from the first suggestion of se xual activity, your partner needs a little more stimulation above the belt to get her there. No, I’m not talking about her brea sts (although those could use some love too!) I’m referring to her big sexy brain.
The largest s*x organ for a woman is her mind, so that is where the action should start. Words are aphrodisiacs for many women, especially when those words are chock full of affirmations that fill her need to feel se xy and desired. If you really want to wow your partner, paint a verbal picture of all the things you want to do to her by whispering in her ear. This has both physical and mental appeal - your warm breath on her ears will send chills down her spine, while your hot words speak to her se xual desire.
3. It’s All About The Cli toris
Here’s an alarming but true fact: most women do not regularly org*asm from inte*rcourse alone. So while you’re pounding her vag ina like a jar with a lid that just won’t open, you’re completely missing the key to her org*asm. I get it, you’re a man. You don’t ASK for directions, so I’ll give you a hint: it’s hidden in plain sight, right ABOVE the doorway you’ve been knocking at.

The cli toris may not look like much, but don’t be fooled by its appearance. That little love button houses 8,000 nerve endings (twice as many as the head of the pen is), making it your new best friend. During fore play, try stroking the area around the cli toris before rubbing it gently in a circular motion with your index and middle finger. If you’re not sure how she likes to be touched, have her show you herself! Once you become comfortable with speed and pressure, feel free to explore it with your mouth and tongue. And since somewhere around 75% of women actually require clitoral stimulation to org asm, you’re going to want to pay close attention to it during your favorite s*x positions as well.
2. Take It Slooow
Patience is key when it comes to pleasing a woman, but most dudes are all about instant gratification. You want to skip the previews and go straight for the feature film, but here’s a secret: Women NEED the previews. We rely on the previews to help us get turned on and revved up for the main event. So say it with me, guys: “Fore play is not a suggestion. It is a requirement.”
If you have any hope of giving your lover a standing O-vation, you need to slow everything down when it’s time get down. In fact, a good rule of thumb is to go three times slower than you usually would. Prolong the make out sessions, slowly un dress her and get to know those other erogenous zones before you delve into her nether regions. Women are more like slow cookers, than frying pans so when you’re brushing up on your foreplay skills remember that the best s*x comes to those who wait.
1. Women Like It Wet
Whoever said “wetter is better” was absolutely talking about the benefits of lube. Lubricant is the most underrated resource, yet it holds the key to enhancing se*xual pleasure! Still, many men still balk when a partner pulls a bottle out of her nightstand. Is she “dried up”? Does she have a hormone imbalance? Am I *gasp* not turning her on?


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