Indecent dressing simply means deliberate exposure of one’s body to the public. This practice is contrary to the acceptable norms and values of the society. Moral decadence on the other is a reduction in the level of morality in the society. Do you observe that most (ladies) had gone haywire all in the name of the fashion? Our ladies now prefers going naked all in the name of fashion these days…….I think this is fashion madness, we really need a fashion police…. my opinion# Truly signs of end time! Some girls have been embarrassed and even abused because of their outrageous outfit.
Indecent dressing is the major cause of the various assault and sexual harassment recorded in the society, over time. As a result of civilization, Nigeria ladies dress half naked to occasions all in the name of fashion’ and this is contrary to the prestige placed on African women. For instance Nigeria ladies derive pleasure in wearing cloth such

as mini skirt, bumper short, armless e.t.c.
As a lady you must be cautious of the kind of clothes you put on. Do you know your dress create impression about you either positively or negatively in the heart of people?

The fashion trend of getting naked is gradually getting to the older women. How can a married woman wear an outfit like this out? The world is really becoming something else.

Your dress could show if you are responsible or irresponsible, serious minded or unserious. Dressing in a manner that parents, society and religion frown at is not civilization. The way you dress show whether you are respected or not.
Most ladies now walk on the street half n aked, with tattered clothes all in the name of fashion.


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