Tonto Pregnancy5
Tonto shared this..
“Today I experienced the Greatest Miracle known to man..
“I can’t begin to explain the joy I feel,it’s super awesome..
I bless the Lord almighty for his protection/Safety and Strength and the birth of my Baby..
My Pregnancy was such a beautiful one (Stressfree,Lovely,Spiritually great,Healthy and safe)…

“Pls join me in welcoming my Baby into a perfect and loving World that GOD,My KINGKONG and I will create.. I Am overwhelmed and over joyed,I am a Mother now..
“Woow��, that’s something I never saw coming but God is indeed the master planner of our lives.
His grace,Love.mercy, unlimited blessings, protection, Peace and so much more than I can express I have known & can testify to.
“Thank you God(the father,the son and the HolyGhost) for this blissful journey..
I indeed gave birth like A Hebrew woman..������
Tonto Pregnancy 8  
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