Nipple stimulation

The ni.pple is one of the hottest erogenous zone in a woman’s body. Not only should it never be ignored, you should also make sure to touch it the right way.

Here are four ways to make her totally hot and horny by stimulating those n.ipples.

1. Breathe

While some people like very aggressive ni.pple stimulation it’s always a good idea to start off slow and gentle. You don’t even need to start off with touch. If you can use your mouth to blow across your partners ni.pples, start by playing with your breath. You can blow hard through pursed lips to create a cool breeze, or get even closer and breathe open mouthed, which creates a warm breath. Many ni.pples are highly sensitive to both touch and temperature, so as you are exploring try to notice how both your partner and their ni.pples are responding.

2. Touch

Think about a part of your body that gives you the most immediate feedback, and that may be the best part to start exploring ni.pples with. For some people that will be their fingers, for others it might be their lips or tongue, and for someone else it might be another body part. Whatever you are using, start off with gentle touch. Starting gently can give the body time to rise up to the stimulation. There are almost infinite ways to touch, but the key is to build up in both speed of stimulation and pressure.

3. Your hands
One way to start is to begin far from the ni.pple and move inwards. Notice how the different skin feels, from the bre.ast to the areola to the ni.pple. Gently apply pressure and notice how different parts of the body feel under the skin. You can use a kind of circular motion or if you are using your hand and fingers you can splay your hand out gently across the bre.ast and then bring your fingers together so that by the time your fingertips come together they are at the ni.pple. You can massage around the ni.pple, teasing the area and not touching it at all, creating much more stimulation around it before zeroing in on it. The area is sensitive, so touch from your finger tips will feel very different than touch from the back of your hand, or your knuckles, or your elbow. If your partner likes the circular motion you can change it up by going from wide circles with a slow movement to much tighter circles with a faster stimulation.
Once you’ve got to the ni.pple you can hold it between two fingers or some other way and apply gentle pressure to it while rolling it back and forth. There’s no one way to do it, so experimentation, and paying attention to what’s working for your partner, is the way to go.

4. Your mouth

Following the idea of starting slow and building up, begin just by brushing your closed lips across the ni.pple. You can slowly open your lips so the ni.pples come into contact with your open mouth and at some point introduce your tongue. Try using your tongue to play with the ni.pple (either working from the outside in, or from the inside out). Play with circular and lapping motions, each will feel different for your partner, as the flat surface of your tongue has a distinct texture from the tip.


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