1. Menses is inevitable monthly through out your reproductive age as a woman

2.First menses starts as early as 11years of age .Some can be earlier than that.

3. From 10-20years of age, your menses is likely to be irregular and abnormal due to your endocrine system that is just trying to fully mature. But from 20 up, your menses begins to be regular and normal. Outside these , untreated $.xual infection can be the cause.

4.From 40 up, your menses begins to dwindle again. Irregular and somehow scanty in nature. Its a sure indication of your menopause approaching.

5. Its normal to see your menses twice a month. As far as the time interval in between each is not less than 18days. Normal time interval is 28days.

6. Menstrual flow last for 3-5days. If your own is below 3days, you likely must see your Doctor. It may be a clear sign of hormonal imbalance in your system. It can be corrected. Sometimes, its normal.

7. If your menses flows beyond 5days, its not normal. Some can overflow to such an extent that a carton of sanitary pad is finished within a week. Probably, its an indication that your blood clotting factors are shifting. Simple OTC prescriptions is enough to correct it. Don't panic. But if you aborted,you are on your own oo..

8. Scanty menses(Oligomenorrhoea) is normal sometimes but in some other times, its a clear indication of hormonal imbalance that can be corrected.

9. Dark coloured menses simply means that your menses was delayed. You need not raise alarm.

10. It is normal for your menses to be delayed. But where the delay is beyond 10days, medical counsel must be sought for. Its an indication that all is not well.

11. For those who has missed period for two months plus without any evidence of pregnancy. Listen to the following :

- It probably may be that you got involved in surgical abortion (D&C)
_ Your hormonal system is seriously faulty
- There is presence of chronic untreated $exual infection.
- Excessive growth of uterine fibroid.

12. Painful menses is normal and natural. But were you feel the pain is unbearable, check on OTC analgesics and anti-prostaglandins to ease the pain. But naturally, the pains will always subside as soon as you take in and give birth. As you grow older, the pains tends to wane off and completely go off. But in most severe cases, your doctor must evaluate you for endometriosis.

13. Painful menses is not only for virgins. It affects ANYONE!

14. Thick menses with some clots in it is a blessing. Its an indication that you are living fine. But were the clots are much, you may have to undergo a medical investigation.


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