The story and pic was sent in by student 'Lakunle Jaiyesimi. Read below...

A couple (a young couple comprising a male and a female) was seen engaging in a brazen, no-clothes se.x at the security post of the Road 1 gate of Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife. They were seen at a vantage spot, where the roads meet, engaging in the act without regard to the timing and people, increasingly gathering. They allegedly rode on a bike through the gate, alighting at the security post premises.
They immediately got undressed to the last piece (if you know what that means), placed their phones on the

ground and started the se.xcrobatics, which an eye-witness claimed was more of a scene out of an amateur por,nography movie. While people gathered, they continued. They were futile, the initial efforts to extricate them. Call it, I'll disagree. Call it 'by consent', I'll be indifferent. Call it hypnosis of any act, I'll most likely agree because as much as the man's tool was being forcefully extricated, the lady seemed to be drawing towards the man like she would pass out if deprived of that act at that time and under such circumstances. An anonymous source said the lady sells footwears in Ile-Ife. Whatever the cause of this, it leaves more questions unanswered, which hopefully should get resolved once the police vehicle seen blasting siren as it drove to the scene was conveying policemen who were actually policemen.


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