The Deceit 

  1 Corinthians  6:9: Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither f0rnicat0rs, nor id0laters, nor aduterers, nor effem1nate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind.
daily devotional

Daily Reflection

What really happened is that the soul of man contains the reason or intelligence, the will or volition, and the emotion or affection. Immediately man fell, the soul in a clever coup d'état overthrew the spirit, and immediately, the body ceased from serving the spirit to serving the soul. The body ceased from serving the Divine revelation to serving the information of the soul that is produced by the environment. Immediately, the environment sent signal to the reason and filled it with the thought of na-ke-dness. The thought was sent to the will to decide on it. When the will activated the thought, it was sent to the emotion for execution. The emotion immediately sent to the body the feeling of na-ked-ness. Man started to feel the nak-ed-ness and started to hide himself for shame.

Likewise in the case of s.x, instead of the spirit of man telling the body which contains the organs of s.x what it should do, the soul was there to direct the body. The body simply does what the soul tells it. The Bible tells us that the soul of man is in his blood (Lev. 17:11, Amplified Version has a better rendition). Instead of the spirit of man being the motivator of the release of the seeds or $perm in man and also its transporter, the soul through the blood became the motivator and the transporter of $perm, which process we call 0r-gasm. It would have been through the agency of the spirit that reproduction would have taken place, if not for the fall. This is why $exual urge is stimulated by the blood.

It will be borne in mind that this rearrangement of Adam's soul having ascendancy over his spirit and body was also done in the numerous seeds in him. This is why his offsprings took after his fallen nature. Because the act of $ex was made the product of the soul and not the product of the spirit, man had children according to his own image (Genesis 5:3), and not in the likeness of God, as God originally made man to be ( Genesis 5:1. Cf., Genesis 1:26). That means that man produced himself, because the soul is man's self. By this, the act of $.x was instituted according to the will of man (John 1:13),  and not according to the will of God. $.x became an act of self which is an arch enemy of God. Man being the architect of his $exual desire went wild, just like every other thing he is in control of. This is where unwholesome $.x attitude developed from.

It is this formation of procreation that makes all mankind to partake of the sin of Adam. As seeds in Adam, we were made to conform to the fallen nature of Adam. In procreation, we are products of the soul which is the fallen nature.

God did not because of this stop man from procreation. Because He has already provided the lamb which was slain from the foundation of the world for our redemption (Revelation 13:18). Also, procreation after the fall serves as a means of sustenance of human race. It is His desire that we multiply and fill the earth. However, He is not delighted with the principle that works in man. Every activity man carries out independent of God is a product of the soul, as such, is disgusting to God. These activities need to be placated. Hence sacrifice was provided for atonement of the activities of our soul including $exual activities. More things need to be known from this development.

Daily Quotes

 When I truly love someone, desiring to please them is a natural unction. And if the person I love wants the best for me, I can trust that what I’m doing to please them is good not just for them, but also for me. Tom Otiende

PRAYER: Father, I break off myself from every yoke of premarital or extramarital $ex in Jesus name. Amen.

Prayer POINT: Fight every thought of $ex in you. Always consider their consequences.

Bible reading
Acts 11:1-8



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