These are simple and natural way to make your va.gina tight and small.

Ok women listen up if u want your va.gina tight you do exercise. Its kiegal (sp) exercise.
Screw the drugs that will harm your body don't do it because pharmaceuticals make a crap ton of money selling garbage. The kiegals (sp) strengthen up ur va.ginal walls. Also honestly some men do have tiny pe.nises. Its not one size.

Exercises make me tight as all get out. do them all the time..driving in the car to the beat of a song, at home watching tv. etc....squeeze and hold or squeeze and release quickly over and over again, after about 2 weeks of this, your va.gina is really tight...also if u do it right after, and keep doing it for a few minutes, your crotch gets super tight.

Anyway shaa, if you are a real man then pe.nis/va.gina size doesn't matter. There are other ways to besides penatration.


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