Many couples around the world that are trying to get pregnant, and are hoping for twins. Although the chances of getting pregnant with twins naturally are only 3%, according to experts, there are things that we can do to better these odds. For example, diet, ethnicity, genetics and lifestyle all play a role in whether a woman is more suitable to allow you to conceive twin kids.Conceiving twins: secrets revealed
The chances are higher, if you follow these steps.

Understanding what your chances currently are

Understand that the average person’s chance of having twins is about 3%. Not so high. But it is highly probable that you are not average. If you have any of the below, your chances increase. If you have a lot or all of the below, your chance gets higher a lot. The opposite is also true, if you do not have any of the below, then the chances of you twinning are extremely low.
  • Having twins “in the family,” especially on your mother’s side. Iif you already have twins, the chances increase quadrupled.
  • People of African descent are known to be of the highest probability to conceive twin kids. These are followed by Europeans. Caucasian and Asians have the lowest chance of having twins.
  • Your chances are better, if you are tall or well nourished, or even overweight.
  • It also helps if the woman has been pregnant before. Women with 4 or more pregnancies increase their chances of twins dramatically. It seems that the body is more likely to have twins after it knows you “can take it.” In the families that have a dozen children or more, the numbers of twin births are much higher as they have more pregnancies.
Know that even though older women are less probable to get pregnant, however, if they do, they have a better probability to have twins. The older you are, the probability of you conceiving twin kids increases a lot. At the age of about 40, your chances are higher and jump to 7%. If you manage to get pregnant at 45, the chances are about 17%. Older women are most likely to get IVF and IVF is also known to increase your chance of twinning.

What you can do to better your chances

Do not forget the vitamins
People low on nutrition are less likely to have twins.

  • Folic acid is recommended for all pregnant women, because it is known to prevent birth defects.However, you should not take more than the optimum 1000mg a day.
Ensure that you are well nourished, and eat particular foods
Underweight or malnourished people are less likely to have twins.
  • Being well nourished or
  • All the vitamins are good for you, but folic acid in particular helps the most. You can get them at any pharmacy.
  • overweight may increase your chances.
  • Consult your doctor about any plans for weight gain. Make sure that you are not just overweight, but also healthily nourished.
Eat lots of dairy and yams
In some cultures, these foods are linked to better chances of twins.
  • A study conducted by a leading fertility specialist found that women who consume dairy products while trying to get pregnant, increase their chances of having twins by as much as 5 times over women who do not consume such foods.
  • Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF) is produced in the livers of cows, is believed to be the chemical catalyst in this process.
  • According to some other studies, drinking the milk of cows treated with rBGH hormones can influence human women to have twins more frequently.
  • An African tribe has a diet rich in wild yams. They have a twin birth rate 4 times higher than the global average. Nutrients in the vegetable are believed to stimulate the ovaries into producing more than a single egg during the ovulation period.
  • While there are certain doctors who remain skeptical of this, there does not seem to be any harm in trying, yams happen to be delicious.
    Knowing what is the right time to stop the birth control
    You should not take the birth control pills right before trying to get pregnant. When you stop taking these pills, the body goes into overdrive. It tries hard to re-regulate the hormones. It is said that during the first couple of months, the ramped up ovaries, sometimes release 2 eggs.
    You should consult your OB/GYN before attempting these to remain safe. There are artificial means to do this as well. Like IVF and other medicines. Good Luck!


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