Many people have experienced this strange condition. When you are falling asleep or waking up, you try to turn on the other side but you can’t. You cannot move your arms and legs as if they are plastered to your mattress.
Then you suddenly feel that something is moving in the darkness. It comes from the corner of the room and slowly approaches towards your bed. You try to move, scream for help but you cannot speak. Sometimes you may even start to choke because someone’s hand is around your neck.
Suddenly you can move. You sit up looking for the creature that was in your room but nothing is there. Have you been in this situation?
This experience is known as sleep paralysis and is one of the most frightening conditions. Do not panic, there is a simple explanation!
Before the studies conveyed on this condition, people were blaming supernatural forces. Often the devil and demons were blamed for those frightening moments. All these tales are not true as now there is a scientific explanation for this.
Sleep paralysis occurs when the individual’s mind is awake but the body is still sleeping. It usually occurs when people are falling asleep but more often when they are about to wake up.
The mind and the body are in specific point between dream and waking up and because of that all weird things happen. The reason of sleep paralysis is natural as it occurs when you are in REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, when people are dreaming.

So we must conclude that those scary shadows in your bedroom seems to be real but are actually hallucinations.
You may think that you are conscious but your mind is still dreaming and that is why everything is more realistic. The question is – How to make this conditions disappear?
The first question is- Do you sleep properly? Are you anxious? Did you watch a scary movie before going to bed? All these can cause sleep paralysis.
So try to get rid of stress and relax before going to bed. If you are not under stress then you may have good night sleep.
If this doesn’t help, you may look at your family and medicinal history. You may be taking a medication that is causing problem or you may have a family history of sleep problems.
If you think that you cannot solve your problem, consult with a doctor. At least you know that there are no demons  that want to destroy your life.


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