For the first time ever, the public gets to see the private second floor of the White House all thanks to The Obamas. We’ve been dying to see what their REAL living space looks like, and we’re definitely impressed….
No president has ever shared the First Fam’s living space with the public, until now.The First Family has spent the last eight years living in the White House. And now, we’re getting a full look into their living headquarters that span the second floor.
The Fam let Architectural Digest inside their home within the White House on the second floor where the First Family – including Sasha, Malia and dogs Bo and Sunny – have called home for the last two presidential terms.
We recall First Lady Michelle saying in a very early interview that the White House needed some updating, and that she did. Just like her personal style, her home decor style is impeccable. Luxe, but not gaudy. Calm, but not bland.
Each room is absolutely stunning. L.A. interior designer Michael Smith decorated the rooms as well as the Oval Office (which is why the Oval Room below looks quite similar to the Oval Office).
“Because of Michael Smith, the private residence of the White House has not only reflected our taste but also upheld the proud history of this building. Above all, it has truly felt like a home for our family,” says Mrs. Obama in praise of the Los Angeles–based decorator, who has collaborated closely with the First Family during their tenure in Washington, D.C.
Smith returns the compliment by describing his work as a response to the First Lady’s progressive spirit: “Mrs. Obama often talks about bringing new voices into the national conversation, and that idea informed many of the decisions we made,” he says. “We selected artists and designers who would never have appeared in the White House before.”
“Above all, it has truly felt like a home for our family,” FLOTUS said. She said Michael was able to reflect their family’s tastes all while respecting the history of the White House.
Pictured above is The Treaty Room, snapped in August 2016. According to the AP, The Treaty Room is filled with memorabilia including one of President Barack Obama’s two Grammy Awards, family photos, and a personalized football. It’s also where our Commander-in-Chief often retreats late at night. He uses the room’s namesake table, which has been in the White House since 1869, as a desk.
POTUS likes to say the White House is the “people’s house.” But the bedroom — that’s a “sanctuary” Michael says.

If you want to deck out your house like The Obamas, their canopy bed is curtained with Larsen and Jasper fabrics and outfitted with Nancy Koltes bed linens. The mirrors and sofa fabric are also by Jasper.
Michael told the mag, “You really want to make sure that the president of the United States gets a good night’s sleep.”

Above is the Yellow Oval Room where designer Michael Smith mellowed the room with smoky browns, greens, golds, and blues.
And this is the Old Family Dining room where the Obamas dine when they’re home. Beautiful!
More pics of their gorgeous home decor below:




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